We all want to achieve peace and harmony, and the fastest way to achieve them is to change our way of thinking. In order to change the outside world, we must first change our inner world. Your thoughts dictate your behavior, and when you change your thought patterns, you will be changing your behavioral patterns as well.
The Power Of Positive Words
Positive and negative - these are two powerful forces in the universe. In similar fashion, there are positive words and negative words, each causing opposite reactions when we use them. We all know how positive words can make us feel good and inspire us, and how negative words can bring us down and lead us to pain, anger, or sadness. We have seen how positive words can bring people together and build nations. On the contrary, negative words can destroy friendships or start wars.
Positive words are food for the mind. They send out strong vibrations to make our thoughts a reality. When you use negative words, like can't, impossible, or maybe, your mind will register a negative tone as well. Try I can, I will, or thank you this time, and you'll become inspiring and magnetic. Such is the power of positive words. In order to change your life, you have to get rid of negativity and start to think and speak differently.
Get rid of the feelings of hatred, jealousy, and bad vibes. They are not necessary, and they just wear us down. They are just clutter in the brain and block our access to work the law of attraction. With positive words and positive thoughts, the vibrations that we send with our thoughts will get quality manifestations and results.

If you're always imagining people getting mad at you and thinking of negative outcomes, then your body will suffer as well. You may experience chest pains, anxiety disorders, indigestion, and other health conditions. Your mind directly influences your body's capabilities and reactions. So, if you always project negative thoughts and images in your mind, you'll live miserably too.
Our mind communicates with our body using images. Picture yourself relaxing at your favorite vacation spot. Do this regularly to ease some of your stress.
Here's an example. Imagine a juicy and crunchy piece of fried chicken right in front of you. You can smell its tempting aroma. Picture yourself taking a large bite and enjoying the gastronomic experience. Wouldn't that make anyone's mouth water? Wouldn't that make you hungry? Images can be very powerful. They can be used to improve your health, attain your goals, or anything that you put your mind into.

Affirmations are very powerful tools that can potentially change your life. Self-affirmations are healing, optimistic messages that you give to yourself to counter the negative messages.
Affirmations are similar to visualization, but words are used instead of images. Words that you say out loud, read, or write each day will help you determine what you want to be and what you hope to achieve. Affirmations are self improvement prophecies that when visualized and believed in, will come true.
Affirmations are not magical sentences that create miracles. In order to produce results, they should be repeated often with feeling and conviction.

Affirmations start with the words: I am, I can, and I will. An I am affirmation is a statement of who you are. For instance, I am intelligent, or I am creative.
An I can affirmation is a statement of your potential and power to change, such as I can be strong, or I can be a winner.
An I will affirmation is a statement of positive change that you want to accomplish. For example, you can say I will control my temper, or I will handle financial matters wisely today.
Affirmations should always be stated in a positive manner. An excellent way to use affirmations is to write down 30 of them, each on a separate index card. Use one affirmation for each day of the month. Keep the card with you and read it out loud during the day.
If you continually tell yourself something, your inner self will make it become true. Affirmations strengthen ambition, create new solutions, and activate the subconscious mind in order to make those desires come true.
Your Thoughts, Your Choice
The only thing in life that you can directly control is your thoughts. Your thoughts determine how you experience life. Think about these two scenarios:
Some personality on social media seems to have a perfect life - a loving family, a beautiful home, and an amazing career. However, this person is filled with negative thoughts and often focuses on what is missing.
On the contrary, you may also know of someone who has faced a difficult situation, lives a humble existence, and has to work two or three jobs to make ends meet. Regardless of the situation, this person always has a smile, a wave, and an appreciation for everything good in life.
The lesson here is that we can choose our thoughts and how we react to any situation. We can choose to be positive, loving, and appreciative. It's up to you whether you want to be negative, judgmental, and critical. As Henry Ford would put it: