Everyone wants to know how they can grow their money and increase their cash flow. Perhaps you have questioned why some people seem to always have money, while others struggle just to make ends meet. I think it is safe to say that most of the world need money to survive. Although everyone uses and needs it, not everyone has a healthy perspective regarding money. Many religions teach that money is the root of all evil. They hold on to cliche such as, the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer.
Like Attracts Like
If you want more money in your life, then you’ve got to show money some love. This may sound strange, but the law of attraction implies that like attracts like. Attracting money into your life is much like a love relationship. If you want to attract that sexy woman or that handsome guy into your life, then you call them on the phone. Then, you meet together on a dinner date.
Perhaps you write love letters or sweet poems. You find out what the person likes and make a little surprise gift. You keep a picture of that person in your wallet. You are in love. This is basically what the law of attraction is about. It’s not just saying or writing affirmations. It’s not just using pictures to visualize things. It’s putting your whole heart, soul, and mind into it.
Money Magnet Tips
With money, it has to be the same way. Below are some tips to attract money:
Realize that money is like electricity. In of itself, it is not good or evil. Much like electricity, you can use it to do a lot of good or cause a lot of unhappiness. Many people blame money for their mistakes and are afraid to face accountability for their own life.
Everything that you want to manifest requires a specific belief accordingly. Spirituality is an intense feeling for something. It is a healthy and balanced love for something. If you are afraid to love money, how can you ever expect it to want to come to you?
Keep pictures or symbols of money to help you focus and remind you of your intention. You can use pictures of money - real money, or symbols, such as rocks or marbles. Use whatever works best for you.
Take action. Don’t just take an action for action’s sake. Instead, meditate and think it through. Trust your subconscious to lead you to the right path. Even so, don’t expect for things to just fall out of the sky and into your lap.
Imagine what you would feel like if you were wealthy. Exactly how much money would you like to have? When? Make it crystal clear into your mind, and then work with the feeling of already having it now. This should be done on a daily basis (at least half an hour), but do what works best for you. The important thing is that you do it regularly. You want this to be a fun thing, not a chore.