To make a recipe for success you need to find out what successful people are doing. There's no secret sauce to it. The more you know about them, the better you can copy their practices. So, what do successful people have in common? Check out some of their characteristics.
Successful people want to win. No successful person or role model ever play to lose. They go all out and don’t give up until the game is over. Even if they lose, they know that they have learned from that loss.
We see that successful people stay focused on what they are trying to accomplish. When they set their mind to something, they keep their eyes on it like a laser beam.

Successful people put in long hours and are working much more than the average person. Sure, the trend is "work smart" these days, but it can't be denied that those in the big leagues have a lot of stories to tell about their sleepless nights.

Take Risks
No risk, no success. If you are not willing to take a calculated risk every now and then, you can't expect to be successful. Changing your lifestyle, career, or relationship involves taking risks.

Principles of Success
Anyone can be successful in life. To succeed, you need to be a certain type of person. Do not be discouraged if you are not yet that type of person. Check out the guidelines below and try to consistently apply them to any area in your life.
Have a clear picture of what exactly it is you want to achieve or become. Keep this picture in mind at all times. Doing something you want to do, because you want to do it, will motivate you to succeed at it. Start with the end in mind.
Believe without a shadow of a doubt that you can do it. Believe that you will succeed. Stay away from negative influences which make you doubt your ability to succeed. Surround yourself with things that remind you that you can, and will, succeed.
Realize that you alone are responsible for your future. You alone are responsible for the outcome of your efforts. Don't look for anyone to blame. Feel free to ask for help as you need it, but remember that the final decision is up to you. It's your life, after all.
Plan and Take Action
Come up with a plan of action. Break down the plan into baby steps. Take a step or two each day, reminding yourself that each step is bringing you closer to your goal. Perform each act to the best of your ability, filled with faith, determination and purpose to reach your goal. Most importantly, be consistent.
Be in the Know
Find out everything you can about your situation. Read books, take courses, and talk to experts. This will help you make wise decisions and keep you confident as you go along.
These principles, if applied consistently, will guarantee you success in any endeavor. Prove it yourself by actually applying it to your life situation.